You can guess how far along you are based on your LMP, but only an ultrasound can confirm your gestational age.
From conception to labor, a baby is constantly growing and developing. Use this timeline to learn how a baby develops throughout pregnancy.
Gestational ages based on weeks from LMP.
Source: Care Net. “Fetal Development Timeline.” Before You Decide, 2020.
Mend is a nonprofit medical clinic that has operated in Tulsa for over 35 years – supporting & empowering women, men, and families. Our medical services are provided by licensed professionals. We do not profit from any of your sexual health or pregnancy decisions. We have a strict confidentiality guideline and follow HIPAA regulations to safeguard your privacy.
6216 S. Lewis Suite 100
Tulsa, OK 74136
Call: (918) 745-6000
Text: (901) 257-9710