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Medical Services

Medical services provided by licensed professionals. We strive to provide accurate and complete information on your health and options.

Pregnancy Testing

Don’t rely on a home test only. If you’ve taken a home test, there’s a good chance that it’s reliable. However, the accuracy of home tests vary. Let us do a free medical grade test for you in our clinic. If your results are still inconclusive, a free blood test can provide more information for pregnancies that are still too early for confirmation through ultrasound.


1 in 4 early pregnancies end in miscarriage. An ultrasound can detect if your pregnancy is progressing normally. Ultrasounds are also essential for determining your gestational age – how far along you are. You can make an educated guess based on when your last menstrual cycle began, but only an ultrasound can confirm how far along you are.

medical help Mend Medical

STI Testing

We offer testing and treatment to women for gonorrhea and chlamydia. According to the CDC, Chlamydia and gonorrhea are the most common STDs, affecting more than 2 million Americans in 2020 and 50% of the new cases of STIs are among 15 – 24 year olds. 
If you are considering an abortion, it is particularly critical for you to be tested for STI’s as these can spread during abortion procedures.

Options Information

A confirmed pregnancy means its time to think about your options: abortion, adoption, or parenting. Before you decide, it is important to get informed about each of these options and how they will affect you emotionally and physically. Mend is here to answer your questions and ensure you feel safe and supported to make the best decision for your future.

Are you a Minor Seeking Care?

You have rights as a minor to our free and confidential services.
You do not have to have an adult or guardian with you to get care and support.

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