Frequently Asked Questions

Mend does not perform abortions or refer for abortion services.
  • Most forms of birth control do not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) which can potentially cause health complications and possibly infertility
  • Birth control pills are not 100% effective at preventing pregnancy; pregnancy can still happen especially if pills are missed or other medications interfere with them
  • Some pre-existing conditions may make you more at risk for side effects and complications and so we recommend seeing a doctor before taking birth control pills.
  • According to the CDC, a long-term, mutually monogamous relationship is the most effective way to prevent STIs and unwanted pregnancies. 
  • Scientific evidence suggests using birth control pills for longer periods of time increases your risk of some cancers and can affect your  blood pressure and cholesterol levels. How much of an effect depends on the type of pill you’re taking and what concentration of estrogen or progestin it contains.

The abortion pill, also known as a medical abortion, typically uses a combination of two drugs to end a pregnancy. The first pill is mifepristone, which blocks the hormone progesterone that the body needs for a pregnancy to continue. The second drug, misoprostol, is taken 24 to 48 hours later. This medication causes cramping and bleeding and empties the uterus. The FDA has approved the two-drug regimen for pregnancies up to 10 weeks.

Though rare, there are cases where evacuation drugs are unsuccessful and the fetus is only partially expelled. In these instances, surgical removal is often necessary to prevent infection or other complications.

Abortion impacts women physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually and every individual is affected differently. While some women experience relief after having an abortion, many others suffer from depression, anxiety, poor body image, or a numbness and inability to bond with others. Research shows that many women view termination as a loss similar to natural miscarriage. Just as it is important to have a follow up appointment with your doctor to make sure that your abortion has not resulted in infection or other health complications, it is also important to reach out to a professional or someone you trust to talk about your emotional and mental state regarding your abortion. Mend offers confidential post-abortion support and recovery. Call or text today to learn more about this free service.

Plan B uses a large amount of the hormone progesterone to prevent ovulation. This is a similar protocol to most birth control pills, but it should not be used as a routine birth control method, as it is not nearly as effective. Plan B should be taken within 72 hours  of sex.

Unlike Plan B, Ella blocks progesterone which can disrupt the embryo’s attachment to the uterus in a similar way to the abortion drug, Mifeprex. Ella is intended to be used within five days of unprotected sex.  Women experiencing abdominal pain after taking Ella should see a medical professional right away, as this could be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.

Not necessarily. There are many reasons why a woman might miss a period. It is important not to take any medication that might induce a period without first confirming your pregnancy. 

There are four main types of abortions. For each type, the procedure and risks vary. With every type of abortion though, there is potential for physical and emotional pain. It is important to understand the different types of abortions and have realistic expectations before making a decision. You can text a nurse or make an appointment to discuss these options safely and confidentially. 
Here are a few reasons to contact your doctor: 
  • have heavy bleeding that soaks through more than a maxi pad in an hour, for 2 or more hours in a row
  • pass large clots (bigger than a lemon) for more than 2 hours
  • have belly pain or cramps that do not get better with pain medication
  • have a fever of 100.4 or higher 
  • have weakness, nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea
  • have thoughts of harming yourself

FAQs about Abortion Regulations

When Roe v. Wade first became law, it dictated the extent that state governments could regulate abortion. Now that it has been overturned, states get to decide the extent of abortion regulation for their state. Some states will stay the same, some will increase regulations on abortion, and some will choose to allow abortions even later term than Roe v Wade originally dictated. Be proactive in learning what abortion regulations look like in your state. If you are in Oklahoma, Mend is a safe place where you can have your questions answered and talk about your options.

No. The bill in Oklahoma that restricts abortions does not penalize women receiving abortions. Instead, it allows for up to a $10,000 fine and 10 years in prison for those performing an abortion in the state of Oklahoma. This criminal law does not apply to any person or organization that performs or aids an abortion outside of Oklahoma. Mend is a safe place to discuss your options openly.

While in a clinical setting, ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage treatment may be termed as a spontaneous abortion; neither of these procedures ends a viable life. Oklahoma laws prohibiting abortion allow for abortions conducted to save the woman’s life. Ectopic and miscarriage removals are included in this. Even though many states will introduce more restrictions on abortion, you will still be able to have ectopic and miscarriage removals safely from your doctor, no matter what state you live in. Please do not hesitate to talk to your doctor and receive treatment if you are experiencing an ectopic pregnancy or a miscarriage. 

If anyone in the State of Oklahoma assists in attaining a medical abortion, they could be prosecuted. Those who aid in medical abortions from a state where it is legal to sell or perform abortions will not be penalized. We do not advise that a woman perform a medical abortion by herself, especially without a viable pregnancy confirmed by a an ultrasound from a medical professional. Doing so can have unhealthy and even fatal effects on her health. If you take an abortion pill and experience severe pain, fever, or bleeding, go to the emergency room immediately and do not be afraid to tell your physician that you took an online abortion pill. You, as the pregnant woman, cannot be penalized for receiving an abortion.

FAQs about Mend

Nothing! Mend’s services are completely free to you. Mend is a nonprofit completely funded by members of the community who care about accessibility to quality women’s health.

Yes! You are welcome to bring a guest to the clinic. We will always ask your permission in private before bringing them back for test results or ultrasound.

All Medical Records are HIPAA compliant. We keep your information confidential and safe.

You have rights as a minor to our free and confidential services. You do not have to have an adult or guardian with you to get care and support.

Ultrasounds confirm if you’re pregnancy is viable and that it is in the uterus. An ultrasound will also help determine how far along you are. All of this information is critical to your health and your decision-making process.

Have questions?

At Mend, we believe in your right to accurate and complete information on your health and options.